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Sesenta y cuatro nuevos registros para la flora del Perú a través de inventarios biológicos rápidos
Durante el perÃodo 2000 – 2016, se llevaron a cabo 15 inventarios biológicos en áreas remotas en el pie de monte andino y el llano...
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A new species of Cetopsorhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from the Upper Amazon River basin
A new species of Cetopsorhamdia is described from material collected on rapid inventories and ichthyological expeditions in the Amazon...
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Integrative taxonomy reveals the existence of a new small species of fossorial frog
Abstract We describe a new species of microhylid frog of the genus Synapturanus from the lower Putumayo basin in Loreto, Perú. Specimens...
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