October 1999
The Department of Pando, in northern Bolivia, is very diverse, and encompasses great examples of black-water and white-water-river floodplain communities (predominant in the east and west, respectively). Its upland forests, dominated by Brazil-nut trees, are characteristic of the sandy-clay terraces forming narrow band across the southwestern Amazon drainage. Many species occurring in Pando are unique or rare in other neighboring regions.
Rapidly expanding logging and ranching activities seriously threaten Pando’s biological riches. Logging concessions now cover much of the Department, and cattle ranches – with their ecologically devastating practices – multiply apace as soon as areas have been logged for the more valuable timber.
The need for effective conservation in the region is critical to establish and manage protected areas. Differences in natural communities and species composition throughout Pando highlight the importance of protecting sites in all ecologically distinct regions of the Department.

Photo by Vincent Sodaro