October 2007
The Reserva de Producción Faunística Cuyabeno and the Zona Reservada Güeppí are spectacularly diverse, holding among the highest numbers for several biological groups than any other region on the planet. The area inaccessibility keeps exploitation at the edge, leaving sources for game populations and native species safe.
Cofan, Secoya, Kichwa, Huitoto, and other inhabitants have a deep history in the region. They have adapted socially, economically and politically through various stages of pressure, but still remain deeply connected and rely on the forest for their sustenance. Due to this connection and resilience, they’re a powerful allied in any conservation efforts for the area.
Two factors warrant immediate action. The government of Peru is considering the designation of a new Parque Nacional Güeppí, and two new communal reserves (Reserva Comunal Airo Pai and R. C. Huimeki). With oil development looking to exploit the area, there’s an imminent threat to wildlife and locals. The inventory findings hope to support already existing efforts, that will allow the management of the region, as a 1.7-million hectare “conservation corridor.”

Photo by Santiago Claramunt