Federico Roman
July 2002
The ancient Brazilian shields extends west from Brazil all the way to the corner of Bolivia in its northeast point. Here 287 square miles (74,335ha) form the Área de Inmovilización Federico Román (literally "Immobilized Area", because it awaits further studies for final designation for land use). This area is covered by unique more humid forests, compared to the usual dry savannahs typical of the Brazilian Shield. Equal vegetation is unique to Bolivia, and quickly disappearing to cattle ranches in Brazil.
This remote, largely undisturbed and uninhabited region also holds some of Pando’s most diverse upland forests remnants. The close proximity and mixture of species of the Brazilian Shield and the Central Amazon basin result in very high species richness in the plant and animal communities. The inventory aimed to contribute information to support conservation efforts.
Although remote and only accessible by river, the human presence is growing, especially in adjacent Brazil, replete with roads, cattle ranching, and settlements. Yet the globally significant natural communities in this spectacular corner of Pando can still be protected intact. Local human communities appear ready and open to embrace stewardship of a new conservation area in their region—the Federico Román Wilderness Reserve.

Photo by Douglas F. Stotz