Pico Mogote
September 2002
Winter the Ospreys migrate south from North America searching for warmer climate. The trip goes thru the straits of Florida and all across Cuba from west to east. They soar Sierra Maestra’s updrafts and arrive to the far east of the Cordillera where they pass over Pico Mogote and Gran Piedra, both over 1000 m, close to the Sagua-Bacoa massif which is an important bridge where the 2 mountains climate meet.
The easternmost part of Sierra Maestra runs only 10 km and parallel rom the southern coastline of Cuba. It generates altitudinal gradients in climate and differences between the south- and north-facing slopes of the range. Combined with a complex geology and varied soils, has given rise to the area’s biological richness.
Until the start of the nineteenth century, the area was almost unaltered by humans. French fleeing the Haitian Revolution, turned the landscape to a paradise for coffee cultivation, only sparing the highest peaks and steepest slopes. These are a testament to the native richness of the area, and a potential source of native plants and animals. With Baconao Biosphere Reserve near, we hope to contribute information for the protection and management of biodiversity in Pico Mogote Ecological Reserve

Photo by Ansel Fong G.